Friday 22 March 2013

Gorgeous Indian Outfits For Women

I just love dressing up in ethnic fashion clothing on an everyday basis. It isn’t for the attention, of course, it’s just my style. I’ve always sort of felt like a woman of the world, and I like to express that in the clothing that I wear.
My latest obsession is Indian outfits for women. You name it, I’ll wear it – I love it all. But whenever I get a new obsession I have to find just the right place to buy my clothes so that they’re as authentic as possible. For Indian clothing, I found Ahaarya, which is just full of gorgeous Indian outfits for women. The colors were stunning,the styles were absolutely authentic and flattering. I just loved everything about it.
For my casual clothing, I purchased a bunch of Indian kurtis online. They’re super-comfortable and they go great with jeans and skirts, so I’ve got all my bases covered there. I also bought some party wear salwar kameez online for my more formal occasions. The great thing about salwar kameez is, not only are they stunningly beautiful and – in my opinion – cream of the crop in terms of ethnic fashion clothing, but also they’re super-comfortable. While other women struggle in their too-tight dresses with weird cuts and necklines, I look just as fabulous, but I am also 100% comfortable and able to move around without being weighed down.
Shopping at Ahaarya was absolutely the right choice for me. For as long as I am into Indian clothing, you can bet that I will be taking my business there.

Get Indian Kurti And Salwar Kameez Online

When I married an Indian man, I knew that I was in for a culture shock. I mean, I was prepared for it – he did his best to help me prepare for it! Even so, I was very nervous. I remember the first time I was going with him to meet his parents. Mind you, I didn’t meet them until after we had married because they still live in India. But I was just so determined to impress them – I think I stayed up at night for a week, fretting over it. I wanted to make sure that I would make the right first impression on them. I wanted to show them that I was open to their culture and I wasn’t just some American girl who expected everyone to conform to her whims.
Naturally, as an American girl, my solution to this was shopping. During one of my sleepless nights, I pulled up the Ahaarya website, which my sister-in-law recommended to me. I know that clothing isn’t everything, but in my mind at that moment, looking like I was familiar with Indian outfits for women was the way to make a good first impression. So, I started shopping. I bought some Indian kurtis online for the more casual affairs and for traveling – day-to-day kind of stuff. Then, for parties that we would apparently be undoubtedly attending, I bought some party wear salwar kameez online. I felt quite prepared by the end of it!
Buying a bunch of Indian outfits for women, obviously, did not fully prepare me for all India had in store, but I can’t deny that it made a different, knowing that I was arriving in something that made me feel comfortable.

Monday 4 March 2013

Party Wear Indian Outfits For Women

I recently went to India to visit my mom’s family for the first time ever. It was such a fantastic experience – I never want to forget the time I spent there and all the wonderful people I met. I fell in love with India while I was over there and I bought a whole bunch of clothes so that I would be able to wear my mom’s home country around with me every day.
Then, on the way home from India, my luggage got lost. Even with their modern technology, somehow my luggage was never found and, sadly, the piece that was lost was the one containing my Indian outfits for women. I was left with nothing.
I was so heartbroken. I felt as though a piece of me had been lost with that luggage. Fortunately, a desperate search for ethnic fashion clothing online led me to Ahaarya, which was a veritable goldmine of Indian outfits for women! It was my online search for party wear salwar kameez that led me there and I was astounded by the variety, the quality and – above all – the authenticity. I was reserved at first and only ordered a few things to make sure I would like it and I was immediately thrilled. As soon as I tried on the first outfit upon its arrival, I ran back to my computer and ordered a whole bunch more. It wasn’t the clothing I had gotten in India, but it was close enough in style that I was able to recapture that part of me that thought had been lost.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Indian Outfits For Women

I am a busy, career-driven woman who is fortunate enough to have been blessed with a family who is incredibly supportive of my goals and of the hard work I put into my job. But just as supportive as they are, they also have expectations of me. I am always expected to be present and active at family functions (no working during parties!), and I am expected to dress well.
In return for all the support my family gives, it is really the least I can do to comply with their requests. But being a career-driven woman, I rarely have time to go shopping. What’s more, I’m from a large Indian family, so I am expected to wear traditional Indian outfits for women to family functions. Again, I am happy to do what my family wants, but even more time-consuming than shopping normally is finding quality ethnic fashion clothing.
Thank goodness for sites like Araarya. With their great selection of Indian outfits for women, I know that I will be able to impress my relatives with my good taste and fashion sense. Rather than hunting down a store, wading through the inevitably overcrowded stock, hoping to find a color and style that I like, and hoping it is going to be affordable, all I have to do is search for party wear salwar kameez online on the Ahaarya store and I am certain to find something to my taste. And I can do it on my lunch break, which makes it so easy. After all, managing time is almost as important as pleasing my family!

Thursday 17 January 2013

Indian Outfits for Women - Ahaarya

I am always a little bit hesitant to buy my casual salwar kameez online because without getting my outfits tailored, they tend to be a little uncomfortable – they just don’t fit quite right. They are tight under the arms or too small in the bust or too poofy in the hips. I try to save money by buying online rather than having my clothing tailored, but I end up having to go to a tailor anyway!
When I was reading the Ahaarya website, I read that their customers regularly report their clothing to be very comfortable, so I decided I would give the buying casual salwar kameez online thing one more shot. I am so glad I did. When I put on the salwar kameez it felt tailored. It was loose where it needed to be loose and tight in all the right places. It was fitted but comfortable. I was so pleased with my purchase that I went back to their website straight away and bought a bunch more.
When you have a busy life like me, it isn’t always feasible to set aside time to go see a tailor and get your ill-fitting clothes properly altered. It makes it so much easier knowing that when I am in need of some more Indian outfits for women, I can just go to Ahaarya and order them online. Without fail, they are beautiful, comfortable and flattering. I don’t even bother wasting my time looking anywhere else anymore. I always know that Ahaarya will have just what I want.