Wednesday 2 May 2012

Ahaary’s Nanhi Kali

This blog is all about Nanhi Kali, which is an organization that we donate a percentage of our profits to from Ahaarya sales. Nanhi Kali is a charity designed to help young girls get educations and confidence. So when you buy your Indian salwar kameez online from Ahaarya, you can be happy to know that your purchase will change the life of a young girl would otherwise would have be neglected.
                Indian online clothing can be more than just a fashion statement. Indian online clothing can be a statement about supporting causes. There are some parts of India which still believe that girls are a burden to the family, because they cannot contribute to physical labor as well as a boy, and they also will likely require money and resources for when she is to be married. The family will often give her away or leave her without protection and money at a young age. She finds herself willing to sell her body and services in harmful ways. Nanhi Kali finds those young girls and provides her with the resources she needs to get an education and get herself out of that situation.
                Remember, your salwar kameez or kurti purchase from Ahaarya online can change a life. You only have to make a few clicks and enjoy sorting through the salwar kameez collections, and soon there will be a change in the world the positively changes a young child’s life, making her feel beautiful and loved, at last. She will be able to do so much more, and can learn to skillfully provide for herself, her family, and to pursue her passions.

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